289 in a maverick

Discussion in 'Technical' started by justin has a 74, Feb 2, 2009.


289 or 302... which is better

  1. 289

    7 vote(s)
  2. 302

    25 vote(s)
  1. 72Grabber302

    72Grabber302 New Member

    Dec 14, 2008
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    Memphis, TN
    1972 Grabber
    I was probably around 19 at the time. Believe it or not, I think I know who you are, not your name, but I do remember a guy who worked at Mr. Lube at the corner of Summer and Graham back then and drove a yellow Maverick, probably your 75'. Crazy huh? Mine was a red 72 Grabber with black stripes. I lived in that neighborhood(still do) and was getting gas at the Exxon next door and saw your yellow Maverick sitting out back, I stopped in and talked to you for a few minutes and we looked each others Mavs over. Here comes the crazy part, I have a weird memory and think I remember you were in the military, looking to put a cam in yours as the engine was pretty much stock at the time and you were running a single plane manifold. Think we talked for a minute or two a couple more times in passing. Don't ask me how I remember all that, I said my memory is weird. I may be mixing up my memories, but judging by the little bit about Mr. Lube, its a pretty good chance it was you.(y) Oh Yeah, forgot, still got the same Maverick in my back yard, been a few years since I've done anything to it, but have plans for it hopefully this summer.
  2. ratio411

    ratio411 Member

    Apr 22, 2002
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    1972 Sprint and 1975 Maverick
    Oh cool! I wasn't much older.
    Sounds like you talked to me. I had a flat top haircut back then, and a much trimmer body, so I can see why you say military. The kid I bought the car from worked at that same store with me, so you may have talked to him, but he was only about 17 at the time, and had super long hair. I don't think you would have confused him with anything military. That was my yellow 75 and I would have just bought it from him for 1000 bux. It would have had a fairly stock 302/c4/3.00s at that time.
    It wasn't until I was promoted to manager of the Barlett Mr Lube that the car got a nasty little 306/4 speed/4.11s.

    I wish I could remember your car better.:(
    Nice that you still have yours too. Mine is stored, but in pretty sad shape.
    The halo vinyl top rotted the roof.

    After Mr Lube, I went to work for Cor-Bits, and still have business ties with them.
    My Mom still lives in Raleigh, so between the two connections, I get back up there pretty regularly.
  3. bmcdaniel

    bmcdaniel Senile Member

    Jul 2, 2002
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    York. PA
    '70 Maverick Grabber
    The only difference between a "hipo" head and any other 289 head was the cast-in spring seats and screw-in rocker studs, had the same crappy ports, valves and chambers.

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