Not for awhile ,to buzy with the 2009 calendar , when this is done ,ill deal with the engine .Im also closing my riverfront property sale deal and thats got me tied up for another week.
post#1...9/22/08 said he has taken them all the parts. that's a month, he should have pics. now... "Are you ready to rumble "...picture that... ......
Just for the record ,i think you are all a great bunch of guys and gals and i come on here because i retired at 40 and have to much time on my hands and this forum is always good for a laugh and is always entertaining.
I'm impressed. I retired at 40 also. I just stayed around and collected my paycheck for another 18 years.
If i had to stick around for 18 more years it would be me signing my own cheques,i was self employeed for 20 years ,now i just play the stock market and buy and sell land , buy blue chip in natural gas or hydro electric now ,you wont loose ,just have to sit on your stock for 12 to 18 months and make 25-40% profit.
posted: 09/27/08 "oh and ill post the cheap Mexicam block 347 dyno to ,both will be built in the next three months. PS my Boss 347 will be built and dynoed in the next 3 weeks to 1 month." an update...or did i miss it ? ......
I think i shut a few loud mouth unbelievers up ,lol 486 HP and 440 f/lbs of torque on 94 octaine pump gas at 7000 RPM. With stronger valve springs and larger air/fuel jets 510 hp. I already posted the dyno graph on another thread three weeks ago . Bevs 400 HP 347 will be ready at the end of this month ,it took me loger than i thought as i have three hipo engines being built at the same time and the machine shop cant get them done for me on my schedule,so i have to waite ,i could of got 480 out of Bevs engine also but she asked me to tame hers down for more street driving ,so i gave hers less compression and less cam . Oh as for my engine specs ,ill keep them a secret from most and a few will know ,lol Jimmy ,i said it could be done and i did it ,ps Thanks Stephan Moore.