Just the tail shaft and obviously the output shaft. I don't know why they are different. My only guess would be because of the air-ride.
Started looking for an '88-'92 5.0/AOD donor car to get EFI and overdrive in my Maverick. Have a good possibility in an '88 Mustang but it has a T5. What problems will if have if I use the engine, computer and wiring harness from that 5.0/T5 Mustang but replace the T5 with an AOD?
none. it will work just fine. you should be able to sell the t5 for some good money. i love my t5 i just put in. i would really recomend staying with the t5. its alot more fun to drive than it is with an auto.
Great! Thanks for the quick response. I'll check it out this morning. The T5 would be fun at times but 99% of my driving is putting around in traffic. Guess I'm getting old. Would never have made that trade a few years ago.
Left a call back message at 8:30 AM but no response yet. Another question. Is the Mark VII the same EEC IV? If I find one with a transmission (1" longer tail shaft/housing) that has to be replaced anyway would it be as good a donor as the Mustang or Cougar?
Yes it should work. One note about the T5 to AOD swap: the neutral switch circuit in the auto has power on it from the start circuit and the neutral switch for the T5 is ground(signal return). Just disconnect the wire from the PCM connector (I think it's pin 30) and you shouldn't have an issue. Note: early T5 mustangs didn't use this circuit at all. The Mark VII is speed density, but a good processor. It has the data output circuits for the message center is the biggest difference I could see. Similar calibration to the Mustang. I was using one of these PCM's before I switched to MAF with a T5 and it worked fine.
might have some issues, it might be better to try an find a different wiring harness.. my 91 5.0 came married to an AOD. so i got lucky, but i have a brand new 93' mustang wiring harness for that engine an tranny just havent swapped them out..
Decided not to buy that Mustang. Guy that was selling it had it parked behind a friend's house. No title, just a registration in his girl friend's name. Illinois plate on it.