well, i have an 03 gt that has never been beaten on. the REDESIGNED intake with the aluminum crossover cracked at where the crossover bolts onto the 1/4 in thin piece of compsite! it lost all of the coolant, and decided to take a crap on me and my wife right then and there. It cracked the right read and cracked down the same cylinder. Never got hot on the gauge though. Why? because the ect sensor is in the crossover where thee was no coolant for in to sense!! only at 90k!!! then on top of that, i called my buddie to come pick us up, he was on his way in his 120k thunderbird 4.6 when it broke a timing chain!!!!! great motors i would love to spend a hell of alot of time fabbing that to fit in my mav!! howabouta NO! I also have a 94 gt 5.0 t5 that i abuse on a daily basis. It has over 200k lots of bolt ons and gears and ive never had a problem with it. And before it was modded it would still whip the piss out of the 03(when it ran) the truck..3valve?
Realisticly I am prob gonna put about 1000 miles on this car a year. I think a modular ford might hold up for that.
Dont listen to these guys. Sure, there are better engines out there as far as ease of servicing, etc, but I say go for it. How many 5.4's do you see in Mavericks? Hell, I've only heard of ONE Modular going into one, and as far as I know, it's still in progress meaning that it's not running (yet). I think it will be cool! 5.4 is a very smooth running engine, very torquey for it's size. Heavy and BIG though. I often think about doing a '65-'66 F100 with a 6.8. I think that would be neat. On Pass Time the other night there was a Mustang with a 4.6 I think...that had a carburetor. Very good looking engine, I must admit. Almost sexy...LOL. It would require a special intake and something to trigger the ignition but it's a thought to ponder. I wonder if a carb intake is available for a 6.8 2 valve? Probably not seeing how the V10 is not that popular. But it is identical internally to the 5.4...same rods, pistons, etc just 2 more. So the aftermarke is out there. Troyer has some 5.4 stuff. I believe JLP does as well (johnny lightning performance)...most of their stuff is based on the 5.4 Lightning engine but as I said, the internals with the exception of the cams and crank are almost identical. Speaking of the 2V V10....have no idea on the 3V V10.
i think i seen that mustang as well was it the foxbody that the guy said had a '99 lincoln engine with 100k miles?
there's good reason for that! lol i do agree though, it would be quite impressive to see a motor of such mammoth size stuffed in something small as a mav! Would be quite an undertaking! Good luck
I come from a mustang background and this is only my opinion! The 5.4 would be a heck of choice their are an asortment of aftermarket parts for it! Just all depends on the time money and work! If you go 4.6 i wouldnt even bother with a 4.6 motor out of anything 04 and under unless its an 03/04 cobra or mach1 motor , The 4.6 out of an 05 and up are unbeliveable all you would really have to do is buy a procharger kit for it bolt on and bam your puting down anywhere from 500 to 700 hp eaisly! As the failure rates the newer 4.6s are great the older ones aren't so great for performance! Its your choice your car it would look sweet to have a 5.4 in their but then again somthing a little smaller that makes more hp as the new 4.6 id go with the 4.6 but thats my opinion!
In reality I have seen issues with both the windsors and mod motors 302s, 351s, 4.6ls,5.4ls The Spark plug issue was typically after a spark plug replacement on the MOD motors....You really should torque them to spec and put some anti-Seize on them...Not easy on the rear plugs in trucks, which by default are the ones that usually pop out Yea they can go through timing chain components but again in most cases people ran the wrong grade oil or did not change thier oil on a reg basis. The issue is the chain tensioners are controlled by oil pressure. The likely reason Jamie saw many in the yard with high miles is the care most police stations give their cars despite the abuse.... I have worked on many cop cruisers and all the districts I worked on ,at least 7, took excellent care......cab companies seem to be hit or miss.... Back to the tensioners..... the newer ones run 5w20..... put in 5w30 for 60k or more and I gaurantee your timing chains are toast... The Manifold issue is certainly a defect but the only real one I have seen that is with out a doubt a mojor flaw on the engineering level.... Lets talk 302s/351ws Let me count the amount oil pump failures that leaves the dreaded oil pump rod in a twisted heap...... I just caught the tail end of them in my service years but I seen enough.... I have seen plenty of head gasket issues and worn out valve guides... I have seen quite a few timing chains not last 250k as some swear they do I aint in my early 20s I am in my early 30s been wrenching or running a garage since I was 15.... I have seen enough real world XP to know they both have thier pluses and negatives.... I for one Love the mod motors and once you start working on them they really are not that hard or much different than a 302 or most import stuff... I remember doing timing chains the first times.... As I started the car I prayed I had it right....I did..... I did not have the cam lock down tools at the time and even a couple teeth off could have been costly.... BTW I got a 306 roller for sale............
Got to crownvic.net... the majority of cars there have over 150k on them, with a very large number having over 200k. There are quite a few with over 300k, and at least one car with over 500k.
All I got to say is... If you go through all the trouble it takes to get a mod engine in there, you can fit a 460 based engine in there at that point. Sorry, but the 'WOW!' factor is infinately higher with a 514 compared to a 5.4! Pushrods rule!
in my case going road racing a high winding engine is needed..... A 514 isn't gonna scream 8k Not to mention that mod motor is all aluminum and lighter than a most 302s so I might just make those cornors
fine there is one or two that do but its still to heavy for me to go around a corner....I'd slide off the track