I know who they are, but I don't think the term "NOS" is correct. I've seen two NOS sohc motors still in the crate, I'd consider them NOS....this one has probably been in that car for at least 20 years, judging by that interior...and as for being "rust free" that's another loosely used term.... I'd be interested to know more about this car, but the seller won't accept Emails.
Looking at the interior picture, I'm guessing dingle balls above windshield. That's worth $10,000 I guess.
I like the "SohC" stripe on the side. In reality, what you're buying here is the engine in a Maverick "wrapper". I can't imagine going to my DMV with a receipt for a $50,000 Maverick. This is a cool car, it has just fallen victim to some of the less-tasteful interior 'fads' of the day.
i remember that in a magazine too. but i don't recall it being a real one. but i am getting old and can't remember anything these days! lol!
I remember when H&M were selling off those SOHC crate motors back in the late 70's for $2500 a pop. I really wanted one, but it was too much $$$ back then when you're late 20's and starting a family...