I like the 3.55 posi Ive had it in my car for the better part of a year now or more. the gas mileage dropped quite a bit from a stock 3.00 one legger BUT I do love the way it leaves now compared to a lazy start before yeah it revs a little higher on the freeway but thats what the aluminum radiator and high flow water pump are for
Get an AOD or T5 tranny and enjoy the best of both worlds. Make sure you put a Traction Loc in it. I personally would not go over 3.55's without an OD.
3.55s are great if you never drive 75mph on the highway. I prefer 3.25 or 3.40 if the car doesn't have overdrive.
Got 3.50's in mine behind the Toploader 4 speed. At 75 it's taching 3330 rpms, right in the engine's sweet spot. And with just a touch to the go pedal opens the secondaries on the 3x2.
Guess my T-Bird with 3.73 & AOD has spoiled me... I keep wondering why the C4 won't shift again and when I had the 5.0 Stang kept searching for 5th gear when driving the Cobra Jet... I like loafing along at 2200-2300 RPM while cursing at 75 mph, 3000+ rpm are just a shift away...
Picked it up and installed it this weekend. 2.79 on left, 4.11 on right. I have to agree with everything you guys posted. Yes it's a tall gear that screams going up the interstate (3,800rpm @70mph) but it's a lot more fun buzzing around on country roads. It also confirmed that I have other issues making my car run like a turd, because despite the tall gear I still can't get a simple one wheel peel out of it. I'm thinking its carb related but I'll save that for another thread.
3:55s...OD...85 MPH...2300 RPM...A/C chilling...20+ MPG... leaving work the last day when I retired...
A higher numerical gear ratio (4.11:1) is referred to as "shorter". A lower numerical gear ratio (2.79:1) is referred to as "taller". Not trying to be rude, just want you to use the right lingo. So, you went from a taller 2.79 to a shorter 4.11.
3.70 gear...2nd gear real burnout..not power braking. Caution video is on the loud side and bad language. Check you volume before hitting the play bottom.