Hello... I received a lot of mail when my site said that only V8 models had 5 lug. Apparantly some 250 cars also had 5 lug, depending on suspension package. Definitely not all, but some. I got a lot of emails about this, I think too many to be wrong. My site doesn't ay all 250 cars had 5 lug, but I agree it is a little ambigous. Anyway I have never seen a 250 5 lug car so maybe there are just a lot of guys with bad memories out there. Anything's possible. I don't keep those emails so who knows.
Hi Charlie - back! have not seen you around the board lately. Maybe it was just one of those Ford things, using up what they had in the warehouse that day. I've often said, using the words FORD and ALWAYS in the same sentence is risky.
I have an original Ford '65-'72 parts book. It lists both 4 & 5 lug wheels for '71 & '72 Mavericks. In the brake section it shows 250 cars with 2 1/4" front brakes had 4 lugs & 250 cars with 2 1/2" brakes had 5 lug wheels. I then checked in my 1972 Ford publication, "Car Buying Made Easier". It lists the D70 x 14 tire option for 2 door 6 cylinder cars being twice as much as the same option for 4 door or V8 cars. It would appear likely then that perhaps all V8's and 250 4 doors had 5 lugs and 250 2 doors had 5 lugs if optioned out with D70 x 14 tires? Another item I stumbled upon was the listing for a 14 x 6 styled steel, argent painted wheel for '71 Maverick V8 cars that used the same plain center cap as '68-'69 Mustangs & Torinos. I have seen several Mavericks with these wheels but always figured they were owner installed.
I think you may have something there with the tire option figuring into how many lugs. I also noticed the Styled Steel wheel option some time ago and wondered how they would look, sharp I would imagine.
"Charlie". Hmm.... "Charlie". I've heard that name before. Wasn't it some guy who used to frequent here then got all edumacated and got too good fer us'n? j/k Charlie. Good to see you still peek in every now and then.
Hey Rick... thanks for the greetings guys. Just stopping back for a quick visit once again. Don't worry, still have my Maverick.
5 lugs On my 71 grabber vin 1KX93L came from factory with 250 D70 x 14 tire and 4lugs . Iam 2nd owner and made contact with 1st owner and no changes have ben made . just my 2ct worth thx jay