73 Grabber question: need to verify if floor shift is stock

Discussion in 'General Maverick/Comet' started by 67Mach1, Jan 15, 2014.

  1. 67Mach1

    67Mach1 Member

    Sep 3, 2013
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    Round Rock, TX
    1973 Maverick
    Late on updating this, if anyone still wants to know... But, I've gotten the old gal running. Didnt do much to it as old tank was already bypassed. just used a can of gas, turned the ignition switch on like the guy said and jumped the coil then a screw driver on teh solenoid.

    I'll try to post a video tonight.

    Had to put 3 quarts of transmission fluid in it to make it move but it did move forward and in reverse.

    My nephew also decided he wanted an 86 Mustang GT we found and not the other 73 maverick so now I have two of them. Digging the project hole a little bit deeper.

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