Hello all, I have a 77 maverick 4 door with the 302v8 in it. I bought it as a project car, I was able to drive it about 10 miles without too many issues, I have been starting it and letting it run for 10 min or so to try a maintain things. The problem now is my steering is extremely hard to turn, i would say on a 1-10 effort it is a 7 or 8. It was not like this when. I bought it. I wanted to see if the power steering has fluid and inspect the lines, but I cannot find a picture of where it is. Could anyone help me by taking a picture of it IN the engine bay so I can inspect it? I will take it to a shop close by to have it repaired. You can message me here or email me at bonus2003@yahoo.com!
There is a dipstick on top of pump, assuming it hasn't been stolen, kinda hard to miss. Many of the later motels have a large twist off top.
Thank you so much I know if seems like such an easy thing and in your picture it looks like the pictures when I Google 77 maverick powersteering pump. Here is what I believe to be my powersteering pump please let know if I am not correct!
Yup that's it, large cap and all. Usually if fluid is low pump will moan & groan, steering erratic. After 40+ years, the power steering is famed for leakage.