I asked Effie to give me a hand with one of the expansion valve fittings and she got all up in the air...
got the system charged up today... ...looks like this A/C system is heading down the same road as the C-4s... this was the third time charging the system... low side pressure...28 high side pressure...186 inside air temp...65... I have an idea what is happening. if it doesn't pan out...$500 to replace everything...
Just as conversation.. I like having a sight glass/eye in the system. Because of the differances in modified systems to factory, I feel that refrigerant capacities change. AND the quantity also is different when using a different type. When I charge a system with a sight glass I fill till I see no air and maybe a squirt more. The pressure readings and wether or not it's cold is what matters to me other wise.. I also know that 134A likes ALOT of air flow through the condensor. How many times have you added oil? Maybe there is too much?
You've got a restriction in the high side. Simply put, the refrigerant is getting backed up somewhere from the discharge of the compressor, thru the condenser and drier, into the metering device, starving the suction side of the system.
Seems all the systems that were working for me, when I used to do AC, were showing like 32-35 and 320-350.
Keep us informed Frank. I plan to switch over to 134a, crossflow condesor and a 134a friendly expansion valve. If something ain't working for you, it makes me nervous.
chart called for... 2X outside temp (80) plus 15%...is 184 28-30 on low side... trinary switch turns the fan on at 251 and cools it back to 175-185. if motor fan is on it never gets over 190.
Are you using a R134a expansion valve? Your air was working good last year wasn't it? Do you remember what the pressures were when it was working? My high side doesn't get quite that high but my low side runs in the low 20's. What evaporator/heater box are you using? Maybe some coolant is making it through the heater cutoff valve.
trying to run down a...508 Sanden fixed compressor...with a K head... so far I'm having to buy the compressor and head separate...
picked up a...sanden...SD7H15 compressor...(has correct head) and a bracket (should be here today) to adapt it to my stock GM bracket. my A/C lines will work with this compressor... ......
on the 4th A/C compressor for my Mav... the one i got yesterday...the clutch wiring is wrong. ...there is 1 wire coming from the clutch head...the ground wire is spliced into it... a friend of mine has the same compressor and his has 2 wires coming from the clutch head...one is the ground to case wire, the other 12v wire... a 9v battery will engage his clutch but not mine... getting another one this morning...