all the compressors i have installed (4) came with oil in them...6-6.5 ozs. so when you start the car this oil goes through the system to lub all the other parts. they have a chart with the ...wet/dry...amount in your system. being I have a...low mount compressor...I didn't drain it, just all the other parts/hoses...
A cautionary note that you may know.. Once you install the compressor you should manually pump the compressor at least 20 turns. They make a spanner wrench for this. Helps prevent premature or immediate damage. Imagine trying to start an engine with a cylinder half full of liguid. When I did that once I ended up with a bent rod.
That's why you don't cahrge liquid into the suction side, unless the system is running, and even then you have to take it slow.
a Guy was telling me about a...A/C system flush...he saw at Advance Auto. anyone use this and if so how was it done? ......
What I know about a flush in general is that it is a chemical that you use by adding it to hoses and componants. I don't recommend doing the compressor or the dryer. Back when I did them I would pour the stuff into a part (hoses, condensor, evaporator) and use compressed air to blow it through. Obviously the expansion valve can not be in place. I would make a catch wadd of towels at the outlet end and/or point the end strategically so the flush and oil don't get on everything. Blow the part out before using the flush so the flush has a better effect.
Well.. For me I would make the excuses that the dryer has a sack in it that could get damaged and/or capture moisture from the air being blown in it. The compressor isn't open. It has cylinders that don't allow for air to just flow through.. The oil isn't hurting it anyway. The expansion/orfice tube is too restrictive for the flush to flush on through..
I think it would be a good idea to replace the dryer and drain the condensor and exaperator core at this point jmho
I would do whatever is necessary to get all the oil out of the whole system, replace the dryer, add the correct amount of oil to the compressor, seal they system up, turn the compressor by hand to get the oil out, vacuum and recharge the system. I'm no expert but I'd want to know the system had the correct amount of oil.
O.K. so... everything cleaned out... low side...16 high side...270 inside temp...50 28 oz. 134A I asked the Guy at the A/C parts place if I could order a...THROAT...for this system. He asked why, did I want to choke it...
All my years I just knew it as a metering device with a part # . I just read this.. Hope it helps ..