For a while my green Comet got the nickname "Timex" ... ... as in "takes a licking and keeps on ticking". That is because it dropped a lifter while on the Hot Rod Power Tour one year. Just kept driving it. Every stop, we would pull in, the car going tick,tick,tick ... embarassing as all hell. Lumpy cam, stiffer valve springs, and OEM lifters don't match too well ... it's all good now.
Bro-n-law started calling it "The Grappler", name kinda stuck, the crown is called Vickey because (a) its a crown vic (b) that was going to be my name if I would have been a girl back in 1956
That's cool. A little long tho. Am leaning toward Rosie if it's a girl (on account of the paint job, and I have an aunt by that name), and Groucho if it's a boy (if it gives me alot of trouble). Time will tell.
You know, both are cool, but therre is just something about GROUCHO! Groucho gets my vote! That's neat!
Depends on how well it's running. Running good I call it "Baby", running bad I call "Mother F*****" or "Sonova B****" or "Piece o' S***". Usually just "Baby".
My daughter named the car when I was putting the car together for my son to drive to high school MAVDOG so when I sign up to join the form i needed a screen name MAVDOG71 was the one she chose . JAY
That's funny, and so true... But you know what? I can't think of anything I'd rather do than restore and upgrade the Mavs (it's our hobby)... we've got 3 dogs and 1 cat... would cost us more to board them all to take a vacation, and think about what we'd like to do next to the Mavs while we're on vacation... yeah, I guess we're HOOKED. Holly & Rocky
"The Magic" When my car was new, my best friend Ray's dad nick named my car the Magic because it always attracted people and they would ask questions about the car with its 302 and how quick it must be. Of course, I always kept it spotless so people noticed. Rays dad said that my car had the Magic touch because lots of people would say, " I never really liked Mavericks until I saw yours" The only thing that has changed today is that Rays dad recently passed away but he will never be forgotten!
I call mine "The mistress" My wife calls it "the other woman"Now I have it all apart in my dads garage for some much needed cosmetics(a makeover)LoL.Now dad calls it"when you gonna finish it??"