I agree with this. You can both send me one too and I will use the one that is better quality and sing your praises.
The only ones I would bother with would be Maverick Man's and Crites. Too many horrible stories about unlimited and the other two companies making knock offs. Jimmy looks very convenient to your area, but not everyone likes the cowl look. Those 3 should be your only options, unless you want headaches with somebody else. And since you said cheap your best option would probably be a stock OE grabber one and even then those wont be cheap.
Maverick Man all the way, the cowl looks very "funny" to me on the grabber hood and out of place. Maybe the cowl would look better if it was a more gradual slope from front to rear but it just looks weird IMO.
OH, and nothing out of the way has been said.....yet. I will be very dissapointed if this thread gets deleted due to a difference of opinion.
I am very happy with my carbon fiber hood. It was packed and shipped with absolutly no damage and installed in minuites with a perfect fit. You can see pictures in my images secdtion. I have seen the cowl hood and it is well done but I prefer the carbon fiber look and get lots of positive feed back from everyone that sees it. If you want the best, you will have to pay a little more but not out of reason.
Guys there is no reason to bash each others hoods. I have had both MaverickMans carbon fiber cowl hood and currently have Jimmys cowl hood and fitment and quality of both hoods are great. Sure some may not like the looks of Jimmys hood and that is your opinion and you are totally entitled to it, personally I like it. As far as wow factor you cannot beat the looks of the carbon fiber hood as it just screams COOL and no painting is needed so that is a big plus.
Jimmy2gates; Thanks for the offer but im more into the classic Grabber look although i have a "friend" with a maverick in town who would probably love one of those hoods so i will point him in your direction:bananaman
I would also like to thank all of the guys that tryed to stop Maverick Mans and Jimmy2gates little disagreement, i mean seriously u 2 have way too much time on your hands if u can keep this argument up. p.s. The only logical thing i can think of to compare these hoods is by how much u each sell of your own hood, therefor the outcome has no way of being biased because then everyone has a say about which hood is better, anyway thanks for all of your replies to this thread they really helped
I have seen BOTH hoods side by side ,installed on cars...Both are well made. Weather or not I like the design of either Hood is NOT a part of what I am evaluating here, as that would be a "personal preference" thing. The Jimmy2gates hood is higher quality than any other Fiberglass Maverick hood I have seen (And Yes,I have seen several over the years). The Maverick Man Carbon fiber Maverick hood has absolutely PERFECT Fit and finish... and I dont see any way a hood could fit any better including the factory steel hood. Just My observation....