Just wait Frank, someday you'll catch up to me! LOL Now tell us how you used to do alignments to covered wagons...
I have the same gauge that I bought back in my stock car racing days but just made by Longacre - I just have to buy the Pinto spindle adaptor as I only have the adaptor for Chevy spindles right now - some cat litter under the front tires instead of turn plates and I'll be good to go
Not really. I work in the business. There's a term some of the crooked techs say. Set toe and let go. And when in doubt.....45 psi in frt tires.
...my point...don't go in with worn out front end components and expect a good alignment...part of their business is to sell front end parts...
This is so true. When I bought my Bronco the first thing I did was take it in for an alignment. Dropped it off at lunch, came to pick it up after work, got no calls from the alignment shop so I figured they were done. I showed up and they handed me a bill of sale for $1800 dollars. I looked at the guy and asked meekly if they had done the work yet, he informed me they only have 1 letterhead for their bills and quotes. They wanted 1800 dollars to do ball-joints and tie-rod ends.
I have made several comments on this subject in the past. I still find it odd that people that do this for a living will not touch our cars. As for alignment specs............ my Hunter machine goes back to the 40s and so do all the others as far as I know. I would rather align align 10 mavericks than one S-10 or Astro Van. Everything is adjustable on a Maverick. Not so with the new cars. Most cars have to have Camber bolts installed or adjustable upper ball joints. Caster isn't even an option to adjust. As for parts............... well that is where all the money is made in an alignment shop. We charge $59.99 for a 4 wheel thrust alignment. That includes adjusting all factory adjustable settings. Then if it need any parts then that is extra for parts and labor. I guess I just do not understand why someone will turn away business just because they see an old car. About a year ago a guy brought in a 1966 Charger and wanted the entire front end rebuilt. I mean everything, bushings, torsion bars, barrings, adjusters, steering components and a front disk brake conversion. I was giddy as a school girl to do it because it was different, not the same old thing. He ask in advance if he could supply his own parts and I told him he could because they are not very easy to come by. What I am trying to get at here is that I don't understand why anyone in this day and age would turn away any type of work. Money is tight for most of our customers and business has dropped off quite a bit. I was about $20,000 down on business for last year. This year has not started off very well either. People just don't have as much money to do stuff as they used to. As before, if anyone is in my area and needs their Maverick aligned then bring it by and I will be more than glad to align it.
I get my alignments done here for $35.00, guy that does them does alot of classics and drag race cars, not long till I take the Green Grabber in to him, he has an old manual rack setup and that's all he uses.
I wish my techs had your attitude. Let something roll in that's over 10 years old the they scatter like roaches.
I totally agree. I can do all the work myself, but sometimes I just do not want to do it, and would rather pay someone to do it. Yet people won't touch it. And working on the Maverick is easy compared to newer cars. lol.
I guess i got lucky. I have a guy about 15 miles away that has a newer rack but he specializes in street rods. he has software that goes back to the 1920,s. did a great job and charged me $40. Pep Boys, Discount tire, Bell Tire, FireStone, just to mention a few would not touch it.
Bob, This gauge will not fit my Billet Specialties wheels. What I did was make a set of wood blocks to go under the front control arms so the ride height/suspension loading remains unchanged. Block it at ride height, then remove the front wheels and stick this tool on the spindle and have at it. A bit more work, but then there's no slip plates needed for the tires...
Could you PM me his info? My car probably won't be back together for a year or two but this would be good info to have stored away.