You wouldn't happen to know what diameter that wheel is, would you? I'm looking for a smaller than stock diameter wheel for my Maverick.
smaller steering wheel Be careful not to get a wheel that's too small. My maverick came with a small and thick GT Grant wheel that I hate because it totally blocks my view of the dash gauges. I have to duck my head 4 inches to see how fast I'm going. Does anyone know if that mustang wheel pictured above presents the same problem? Dan
I think it is slighty smaller than stock, but its isn't a super-small wheel. You have a perfectly clear view of the dash gauges.
Ohh, it's been a long time since I bought them! But they are the smaller of the two Sport Comp in-dash units. I want to say they are advertised as 3 3/4"
Hi Charlie: I realize I'm responding to an ' old post ' and I'm surprised I hadn't noticed it before. Anyway .. We put some gauges in my 74 Comet also and we had to perform a little surgery to make everything work. We chose a 5" inch size gauge for the tach and the speedo and the smaller lights function as turn-signals , bright lights , etc. I agree it presents a much ' cleaner ' appearance . I've included a couple of pics of my Comet. Nice Work Charlie .. You can tell it took some engineering and work to accomplish your dash. Cometized (Chip)
Great looking dash! No radio? What size is the steering wheel? I am thinkin bout smaller one but like the orig. look. I assume your running 5 speed? Waiting here for temps to come up so can get out in the garage -- getting anxious -- want to get rolling. Author in my back- say's no working in damp garage. Need to get the PS sorted out -- w/ shim kit. I know ur cars are a blast to drive w/ all of the nice mod/upgrades done.
heres my guages....i tried to keep the stockish background. i still need to blackout some of the white. this is a 15" sport wheel for a mustang. i ordered a jell maverick sticker and placed it over the mustang emblem in the center. looks like it came that way. i wouldnt go any less than a 15" wheel because unless u have power steering, its a beast to turn.
Too Bright light? Try this: Place in series on the positive wiring to the light, a variable resistor. Adjust the variable resistor to a comfortable brightness. Either leave the variable resistor in the circuit, or remove, measure the resistance and substitute with a fixed value of the ohms that you measured. See attached photo - Radio Shack. Digi-Key or Mouser also carry.
Yep ! Really makes a difference when the gauges are LARGER .. We installed some autometer 5" inch diamater White Faced Tach & speedo which match the other operative gauges below in the Comet and made our own mounting panel for the units with leds for directional , bright, and E-Brake warning light that flashes if you forget to release the E-brake after starting the car while we were ' in there ' ... Really cleans up the dash . Looks good Charlie ! Cometized (Chip)