Too much IMO.. again like rick said to disrespect to the owner and if you the owner can get that for the car... deem yourself as blessed and congrats! however i could dupe that car for less then half that price. anyone wanna give me money to make them one
I have great doubt the BJ comment is true. We ALL know we have picked the red headed step child of cars to rebuild. Some are hoping that desirability will soon set in driving up prices. IMO Don't hold your breath. It's going to be several more years before we see decent price tags on our Mavericks. I was'nt thinking of resell value when I restored mine. I just wanted to build something different, something that would stand out from the crowd. Please don't take this post serious, I've been wrong before.------------(Once) Ken
I feel/think or whatever you want to call it, that Mavericks are gaining a ton of momentum. We have had more magazine coverage since the late 90's till now, then we did in the late 70's to mid 90's. I only found 2 articles in that era. One was a prostreet article in the 80's that had a 70' mav with a sbc in typical prostreet form. The other was MaverickMan's(Derrick Yee) 1993 Super Ford article.(or Mustangs and fords) I still have have them sealed in a plastic Storage case. It was Mr. Yee's article that gave me hope that mavericks can look good if properly restomodded. It is mostly imho due to "our" direct efforts as Maverick Enthusiasts!!! To keep going forward with our passion for these cars when everybody else was teasing/laughing/making jokes about our choice to own/build/restore a maverick. People started seeing what could be done not only at the drag strip but on the show fields as well. Now they are being accepted as a cool alternative to the more than typical mustangs/falcons/fairlanes etc......They will keep growing in value year after year if current trends continue. Which from all points of view looks like it will for a fair amount of time.Keep on mavericking!!!!!!!!!!
Maverick is the red headed step child of auto's? I thought that AMC held that title, ex Pacer, Gremlin and Javelin
i call it Anything Motors Cr@p. had a heck of a time getting parts for the wagoneer while i owned it. when the motor ran it was awesome off road though. MAVOWAR