Here are a couple pics of my Mav in Jan. 2000, when I bought it, and one of what it looks like today.
Before and after before and after....and another after coming in the next few years....I did a semi-resto the first time around. I was young and not financially stable, nor really that good at auto repair I was only 14 when I started putting it together. Now i am in a posisition over the next 3-5 years to do it the way i want. It still takes time though and now I have enough money(not really but you know what I mean) I find my time is lacking working long hours both for my Job and side work. Now I feel confident with my abilities to do it right this time......
Interesting thread and a glad to see other peoples progress. It's a real inspiration to see others achieve thier goals,dreams,visions.
In 1983 Car was COMPLETLY stock except for adding the Cragars. Then in 1989 after quite a few mods. (smallest pic ) And the way it looks today.
Here's mine on the trailer the day I got it [thats me on the left, Clint Deal on the right, who I got the car from], one when we got it home and unloaded, and one of how it looks now, not much different on the outside yet...
ericglo, On all four pics the car has the same paint job. It has NEVER been painted....... it has the factory paint. It needs new paint badly ,and when the time comes it will be repainted the same color with the same stripes.