Sounds like there are plenty of good options. I will let everyone know when I get mine & which one I choose. Thanks for the input.
I have the B&M Street Bandit with the ball-grip. I was looking at a quarter stick, but liked the feel of this one better in my hand. I also like the trigger, which gets to be second nature after a few weeks, but it is great to laugh at others who try to drive it. It is almost like a theft deterrent device. I had to get it inspected a couple months back, and asked the inspector girl if she knew how to use it, she said "yeah, used one before". After she got it in forward, and drove it to check the brakes, I noticed that she stopped moving for about 15 minutes, before I looked up and she was waving out the window, afraid to take her foot off the brake, and honking the horn. I thought she was testing it all out, but found that she was stuck in D and couldn't get out. I had a great laugh, and figured, if anyone ever steals this thing, it shouldn't be hard to find, IF they can get it into gear in the first place
shifters You guys have had way better luck than me, i;ve never had a cable type shifter that worked for any length of time without fiddling all the time. Went to a Mav.grabber T-floor shifter for my AOD & using the same shifter for my C-4/gear Vendor set up, unbreakable!
My B&M Hammer shifter cost almost $200 but it looks cool and you get to hit it! The problem I'm having tho is that park is gone, i can't park on a hill!! I have a feeling I don't have the cable straight enough. I have a real long stock one that came with the shifter and the instructions say to circle it around the tranny. It's posted somewhere around here that someone used a smaller cable that goes from the shifter to tranny in a (pretty much) straight line. Maybe that's true with the other shifters as well... I'm not to good with these cars mechanically, but I do love the cute little suckers!! Here's a link (I think) to one on Ebay for 50 bux which would be a good/cheap way to go. the seller says it's for a chevy 350-400 but don't you just change the (dreaded) cable?? I dunno, better ask around.
So did you use a Gear Vendor in a Comet? Or was that the AOD? What did the swap involve? It is said that the GV won't fit in our tranny tunnel... Thanks Dave
GV fit Gear Vendors supplies a sheetmetal reinforcement in case you need to "adjust" the tunnel, this is only on the sport coupe bucket seat cars as they have an extra crossmember right at the consol rear mount. its an easy fit, i should have gone with the GV unit in the first place, instead I went with a Lentech AOD, great tranny but no good with full length hooker super comps, & i couldn;t pass up the deal on going 6-speed!! A guy had already ordered, put deposit on the GV init & then just sold his F;lane & took off! So, i got it less deposit, still in the box roger
Guys I appreciate the feedback. I bought 2 Hurst V-Matic Shifters from Summitt. One for my 73 Grabber & one for my son's 77 Mav. We installed one in my 73 last weekend. I love it. Put it in race mode & just slam those gears. It was not too difficult to install. The online wiring diagram was a big help.
We've had 4 pro sticks in 4 different cars (the '74 street car, '75 drag car, Old Guy's Fearmont and my '84 Junkstang drag car). I've used about every imagineable shifter, and the pro stick was always the one that worked best for me.
I've used the Hammer Shifter by B&M and the Megashifter and the Pro Stick... will stick with the prostick ANY day of the week.
I have a B&M star shifter in one of my cars. Worst piece of crap ever produced. I am gonna blow it up and shoot it next 4th of July. I will never go astray from Hurst again. But then again, I just really like manual transmissions in my stuff and automatics bore me. Dan
This is one of the nicest shifters on the market very reliable and extremely durable the cost is high but the quality is unmatched by anyone.Plus its really small and narrow and their website says one has never been returned. I have been really happy with mine.