the onyt diff in the two oils was compatiblity,the f would destory dextron seals and vice versa as far as thickness when they get hot and they will you arent going to get that much firmer shift,your main goal whatever oil you should chose ......get a cooler for your cars trans i like to send into radiator first and then send it to front of radiator for further cooling,and then send back to trans, heat is the killer of transmissions nation wide keep it cool the cooler the better,if you want a firmer shift put in a servo and i would also recommend a deeper pan that allows more oil to be carried hence forth more heat disapation,you cannt beat the syn oils they are much better at heat displacment and have a higher thermal break down temp,do what you can to keep it cool......
The difference is in how thick the oil is. Has nothing to do with detroying seals. If you think of it like regular oil, its the difference between using 10w30 and a 20w50. My wifes honda civic's transmission has had some problems with not keeping enough hydraulic pressure at idle so it drops out of gear. Then when you take off it slams back into first. I replaced the fluid with type F and it has been working fine now for over 1 year. I have used just about every type of different trans fluid in a C-4 over time. Hydraulic pressure are the only difference I have noticed. I have never had any seals go bad.
well everyone chooses what they feel is best , i am not trying to sell you Tf, what i said was heat is the biggest enemy dont take my word for it ask any transmission mech and he will tells you heat which in time breaks down all fluilds so just change out every few years and you wont have that much trouble with them i have 3 of them so i am no rookie by a long shot but again no expert. i say use what you feel at home with ,
so i'm going to change the fluid in my dads 98 mustang, i've been told that if i use type f it will shift harder like a shift kit. is this going to hurt anything? will i gain anything from this?