Tried to email but cant. Yes I'd be interested, while you are at it any thought Fabricating "Grabber" Comet Hood?
The only people that ever had them that I know of was JC Whitney years and years ago. No one makes them. Am I right guys?
You are right cause I had a set in the early 80's! I would be interested in both the extensions and the molded deck lid Joe! Sending e-mail soon! Scott
I was working with a guy that was making them. He got a set made up, put them on ebay, and nobody would buy them. Maybe the price was the reason they didn't sell....but the guy hasn't put any back on ebay. I know there is another thread about it.
Here is a conversation I had with him: I will post your info on the Maverick message board and I am sure you will get some response. JC Whitney used to sell louvers many years ago and every once in awhile a set pops up on ebay and they bring pretty good around $300 and your set would be in the same price range. He used to sell on ebay. He is no longer a registered user of ebay. Edit: Here is the original thread:
Craig I remember a conversation I had with Chuck at Maverick Connection,, I thought some one he knew in Brazil was either making them or had some,,, it was a couple of months ago,, and I am not sure of the price,, would that be the same person,,?
I'm not aware of any rear window louvers being produced in Brazil. There could be, but I'm not aware of it. I saw the guy Craig is talking about list those hand-made aluminum rear window louvers on eBay a while back. I'm not sure I ever saw him sell any though. When I used to retail the aluminum rear window louvers, the price was pretty steep even back then. $279 I believe. I sold very few because of that price. Apparently, the guy hand making them had the same problem, plus you'd have to think buyers would question the quality of something handmade without actually seeing a set in person. There is a seller in Brazil producing the side quarter window louvers. He has had them on our eBay for $150.00 plus $50.00 shipping. It doesn't look like he's sold many, if any, at that price. I have one set of those that I got from Brazil many years ago. I could get more of them and retail them too, but they would be about the same price, just less shipping. I haven't done so since they don't appear to have much demand at that price level. I have a photo of a taller rear spoiler from Brazil made in the same way as factory, but I have never been able to find a seller of it. I think it would be an excellent idea to offer an aftermarket version of the rear spoiler that mounts just like factory but is taller. I also think it would be a good idea to do both a factory height and taller aftermarket version of the rear spoiler for the 74-77 Mavericks and Comets. And I think it would even be a good idea to do a factory height and taller aftermarket version of the rear spoiler for both the 71-73 and 74-77 4-door models. Having more parts like this available for 4-door will encourage more people to restore/resto-mod them, and good 4-doors tend to be more plentiful and cheaper - at least in my area.
We are goint to set up a meeting this week with a company to look at making the 5, styles of spoilers,, these will be as follows: 1. Reproduction 1971 Grabber spoiler kit with exact dimensions. 2. redesigned 1971 Grabber spoiler kit with a 3/4 higher spoiler, and extentions. 3. Big bumper 1974 to 77 Direct fit with a 3/4 higher spoiler, and extentions kit. 4. 4 door 1971 to 1973 with 3/4 higher spoiler and extentions kit, direct fit. 5. 4 door 1974 to 1977 with 3/4 higher spoiler and extentions kit, direct fit. Now what we need from all of you is,, Please send your request for one of these styles to RPS,, so we have an Idea of what all of you would like to see produced first, and also give us an Idea on production numbers. :Handshake,, att. Tony ph. (510)786-2067 Thank You Joe
Whoa! I can't picture a 4 door with a grabber spoiler. This is gonna be awesome, specially with those redesigned spoilers.
The redesigned spoiler are a product of Mavaholic's Idea,, So when the first samples are produced and he signs off that there meet his Idea and aproval,, they will be produced. When the parts hit the market they will carry His name as Spoiler kit inspired by,_-------------. either his name or Mavaholic,, The 3/4 higher redesign of the grabber kits is an Idea that looks to be a sweet Thing,,, So the credit on this will have to go to Mavaholic,, ,, Awesome Job,,:bananaman,, Also the spoiler and trunklid with no transition seem is also His Idea,, And I think that the clean lines are going to be very nice addition to the Maverick and Comet Comunity,, So we ask all who may be interested in these parts to please let us know,, We are not expecting you to purchase any thing before a price is listed for these units,, But we need to know how many think these parts are some thing that they would purchase if they get produced,,, Remember your numbers dictate the unit price,, when we ask for a price quote for production,, Please send all interest to RPS VIA, E-mail and please let us know here on this thread,, Your input, :Handshake att. Tony ph. (510)786-2067 Thank You Joe