Yeah, if it wasn't for me. Charlie would have never made them. It took over 8 months to build the first one. To think about it, Charlie still has my stock grille he used to make these. I am gonna have to go jump his skinny ass in March at the next GG Show, LOL. So where is my royalties??? LOL
o i have them, i just wasnt done with readjusting my headlights at the time. I rasied the back end to give it a cooler look and forgot the adjust the headlights but i was also painting them. I left the shiny part but painted the inner part of the bezels red to match my car. it looks nice now.
ill probably post a pic later this week. i so busy the next few days with work and finals with college courses.
If you are so busy with "college courses", what he hell you doing chatting on this forum??? Gotcha, didn't I
lol im working right now. i have acess to the internet but at school i dont. i locked into my bio class all night til 10pm. its so boring!!
my teacher makes it go by faster and the fact my class went from a full class of 40 to a mere class of 15 is sad. but o well 3 more weeks of this and im done. not to mention i still have work and i still gotta keep my car running. stupid thing boggs down realy bad in the mornings. i think the new carb i put on has the wrong size jet on it and its flooding. but who knows?
i have 6 tests in the next 3 weeks and not to mention homework and projects. im about ready tp pull my hair out. i might just fill my gast tank while the gas is still cheap and take off.
So what wrecking yards in the Fresno area are good for finding Maverick parts at? I am down in the Fresno area everyother week for work and would like to hit a few before the sun goes down.
it all depends on who crashed the weekend before lol there are 2 auto dismantlers near eachother, both near the jensen and 99 exit. one is on jense and the other is down old 99 which is Golden state then turn on to muscat. pick a part and pick n pull. theres on called westside auto on belmont, on the west side of the 99 but the normally have 80's on up. good for HO 302 blocks tho.