I agree. I just prep. prime and paint the freeze plugs. It seems more important to keep the corrosion down especially since you scratch the bare metal with the blade when you cut the masking away. LQQKS GREAT though!!!!
my mav is a drag car only so i dont think corrosion will be a problem and if it does start to corrode i will paint them.
Hey HOMERMAV, I did see that you are in Ohio, I'm near St. Louis. about the same weather I suspect. Where you walk away from steel for a second and come back to rust! Maybe try a bead of clear caulk????
Hello HOMERMAV, Clear coat does poorly as a rust preventer. Several times I have blasted parts clean, preped, and applied clearcoat from spray cans to ones with hardner and a gun for items I was restoring that I wanted a natural non-painted look. Within days rust appeared under the clearcoat.
Heres a tip my high school auto teacher showed me. It saved me a ton of time over the years. Take the block deck as an example. Cover all of it with wide masking tape. Dont worry about all the tape overhanging. Use a small rubber mallet or plastic hammer and tap the tape all around the block edge. It cuts the tape clean off and saves the knife work of trimming. Maybe this is common knowledge. Anyhow it has saved me countless hours in this trade over the years and maybe it can save someone else a bit of work. Works great when prepping intakes.