There was never a grinder, everything was stripped with a feather-edger, the flash from the camera made the marks in the metal seem greater than they were. The guy that is doing my car is a professional, he's done many cars that have been in magazines over the years, so I trust him with what he does, and money isn't really a concern, I know he will do what needs to get done, and in the most modern and correct way. No chemicals were needed to strip the car, the paint was thin from the California sun, some spots were worn to the bare metal, having a car dipped to strip the paint is an old and outdated process. Don't worry it won't be PINK. If you took the time, you'd know it will be the original color.
Nice and you had a great start with good metal to work with. The proof is in the outcome of the above pic. These cars take really good paint jobs if the metal is prepped properly. Good curves and lines that really highlight a good paint job. Derrick, or some of guys that have had your Mavs in the books, lets see if we can get some of these nice restomod type Mavs back in the magazines to increase the exposure of these cars. I keep tellin people that these cars are making a comeback... they just won't believe me... We have to change people's perspective of this car and remind them that it's is one of Fords finer cars just like the Mustang. I have one of each and stopped building my Mustang to jump on the Maverick. It's a very interesting car and not for everybody like the mustangs tend to be. There are a lot of nice cars in the build out there, lets keep it going!!!
Just wanted to say sorry for highjacking the post. Just wanted to say very nice and Dave you have a good body guy if not yourself? With it looking like this, I can only imagine the panels will be nice and straight once they're put back on. Can't wait to see...
I was watching a program on speed channel and they were talking about bringing a car down to bare metal, that oils from your fingers can get into the bare metal, and even if metals cleaned ,oils can still stay in the metal and rust thru after the cars been painted, im in process of starting my body work,im still deciding wich way to go, cuz usually if its some 1 else working on your car there usually a little careless about stuff like i much not sure wich way to go especially seein my cars a grabber....yours looks great tho!
Looks awsome Dave!! I can only imagine how anxious you are to see the next pic which we are waiting on...
Looks awesome!!!!!! Lets have 12 days to get it back together and get it to the Roundup.
That's a fact and I can tell you from experience. I stripped one of my Mavs years ago before I ever started painting and my uncle painted it for me. About 6 months later a perfect handprint showed up on the roof. After sanding it down there was a film of surface rust there. That taught me to never touch bare metal with my hands again and if I did have to, be sure to use metal prep on it before priming. And don't let a car sit for days in bare metal either.