its a GO ok looks like this is a GO 100%! i don't have a price yet until i figure out how many i gotta make to make this pay up for itself. which will probably be like everything else i made i just make it even oh wells! its for the love of the car so anyways i'm gonna try to do these in both polished alum and SS and see which one comes out better. also cost wise is a factor on which i use... though i'm leaning toward SS due to the durability of the metal. the only thing i'm worried about is the underside folds.. do you guys think it will be that much of a problem if i don't copy that exactly since you really don't see it. anyways i should have an answer within the next 3 to 4 weeks or so to figure out everything had have some sort of test fit sample and photo for you guys. wish me luck!
No, there is no sense in worrying about the bottom side. Like you said, you can't see it. If you have to worry about the bottom, it'll only drive the price up. Thanks for taking this on!
Amen to that!!!!! Gotta love metal! No use putting some plastic on the car! I wish you the best of luck,and as we all know, with most maverick man projects, it will come out fantastic and we will all praise him and be jealous of his amazing skills and ideas! hahaha YOUR MY HERO DERRICK! I am gonna have to start a Maverick Man Collection.... that could get expensive quickly with a CF hood! hahaha So when do the maverick man emblems start to be imprinted on the backs of all of the products?hahaha
I Don't Mean To Butt In , I Was Wondering On The Bottom Of My Boomerangs It Looked Like A End Of A Nail With One Turn Of Thread And One Screw On Top Is This Factory Or Not Any Help On This Would Help I Also Would Buy A Pair. Because The Chrome Platers Either Misplaced Them Or Lost Them Money For A Pair Wouldn't Even Be A Issue At This Point.
you need help! trust me i thought about embems but that just cost more money i don't have thats factory.. it goes though the car and you get access to the nut when you remove the rear inside 1/4 pannels. keep an eye on this post or do a search on "boomerangs" in a month or so. you can e-mail me too and i will put you on a list! this goes for everyone!
I'm in for a set also. Is there a link to a pic of the CF hoods? I can only work on this car during the summer so haven't checked in much and missed that.
keep an eye on this post i'll let you guys know when they are done... pray and hope these come out good link is below my sig... if got to my site its on there...
ok looks like this ain't gonna happen! but........... ok looks like this ain't gonna happen... i can't get these Rangs to be perfect in the bender in stanless or metal... each one keeps comming out differant... if i was only making on set yeah.. not a problem but this is not the case. it looks like the dude on here that was trying to do this in plastic is the only way to go. i can do it with an injeciton mold but looks like cost is about $60 to $65 for the pair.. plus shipping probably no more then $10 bucks with delivery confirmation if that. but remember the item is not the problem its the cost of the mold.. don't even ask the cost!!!! cost may change but won't know until they are done. i know $60 is close to what the other dude on here was trying to do. i think he said that dudes cost was $50 to $60 and that was out sourced and not even factoring in the guys cost after he bought it. so that would probaly be more like $90 or more for the pair. i know this was discussed before and i know even some of you guys tried to get overseas to do this same venture but it was a no go. again i'm willing to do this just i need to hear form you guys. in some ways if you think $60 is too much then your in the wrong hobby... but either way i need to know.