i just posted something else on a note about this.... but if you guys are wondering what the hell happened to the boomerang.... i'm am still working on that and should have something to test fit by the end of feb or sooner. i should have full samples my knotts berry farm all ford round up for people to give their actually opinion of the product... just as a recap these are going to be done in plastic (injection molded). the pot or alum is way to hard to get done perfect. the last ones i did always came out differant... i can't have that... so chrome plastic is what these will be made out of. like i said i'm going to try to get cost near what was dicussed before... just so you guys know i am going to take a big hit on making these cuz the set up for the mold is way high! i need to sell a crack load of these suckers even to make a profit... so if you guys say your interested i am really counting on you guys to come though.... i'll probably post these on e-bay as well and also try to farm them out to a parts house in the future.... yeah that many! so keep an eye on this post in the next 2 to 3 months for updates. wish me luck!
yeah i posted something about this in another post... basicly forking out 10 to 14 grand of my own money was not ideal on this part. so sorry it went bye bye... you as well as anyone else know that it would take me a life time to make up that money selling maverick parts. i did the grabber hoods in carbon... i should have something in about a month and a half or so. sorry about this guys.
that i can do... but i would need to know how many to make... these would have to be pre ordered. are there for sure takers?
I'm in for the boomarangs and a grabber hood as well as a rear spoiler if/when you have them ready James
I had mine rechromed-they were very good condition. I got off for less than $75. I know someone else who had a set rechromed. They were pitted fairly badly. These things are brittle pot metal. They paid over $125 to get them done. So $125 for s/s booms is not bad IMO. S/S is not what the concours/original crowd like me would want, but I'm sure someone would love them.
What would you approximate for cost, and do you have any plans for a C/F Comet GT hood, or GT HOOD Scoop? I think the C/F hood scoop with overlay to match how the GT hood was painted would be a nice touch! very cool! I'm thinking My car will be a very very dark blue or Black someday, So C/F accents would be right in line with my plans,