Maverick Man...Maverick Man!!!! Where are you???? This is TOO COOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You got a c/f Cowl Hood, You got a c/f Grabber Hood...just need a little merging now!!!
Too bad there isn't some way to translate the Brazilian web sites into English, or, vice-versa. It'd be cool to find out where they get their parts, merge that with some of the stuff (Autokrafters, Maverickman, etc.) we have available here, and have a mini-aftermarket parts catalog for Maverick's. That would sure give the Mustang/Camaro guys a run for their money! Oh, well... maybe in a perfect world. Eric
yeah yeah yeah... make it easy on me... get that hood for me i'll dupe it in CF.. lol! first thing first! grabber hoods and mirrors remember! lol! i'm back from vacation so i can start cracking the whip now...
Come on act like it takes more than an hour or so to pop out one of those hoods!!! Let's get with the program!!!
Stefan, thanks very much. Perpetuating my reputaton as a technological caveman, I am continually impressed by the internet and its ability to provide you with whatever you want. Now, too bad there isn't some way to pick any woman you can think of on the computer at night, and wake up to her asking what you want for breakfast in the morning. Man, that'd be a great idea... Stefan??? Eric
I actually have a guy that makes billet grilles for Mustangs and other Muscle Cars working on one for the Maverick. I gave him one of my extra grills and a bunch of pictures of the billet grills the Brazilian guys made as a reference. Once he gets one finished I will post some pictures as well as cost and where to order if interested.