Haha the Malibu was hurt bad,oil pan smashed, bent headers,broken motor mounts,broken rad, heck even broke the dash. Here's one of his better passes.And it's a real street car as you could see in my video with the 69 Camaro,My 64 Mercury truck and Tonys 80 Malibu
Here's a couple of mine: [ame="http://videos.streetfire.net/video/Lets-have-it-Honda-kids_70029.htm"]Let's have it Honda kids. Tell me this sucks.- Video[/ame] Both pretty old. Have to do a couple of new ones this year. [ame="http://videos.streetfire.net/video/Ford-Maverick-short_8494.htm"]Ford Maverick short burnout.- Video[/ame]
Finally had a nice day and some time to play.Soo heres my addition to the burn out thread.The Yonkers Sprint does good smokies...