Dan...no I am fixing that and a few other spots. Ward is going to spray somemore hugger orange and some ghost flames and lots of clearcoat for me. Hopefully it warms up and I can get the bodywork done and get the car to him in March or early April at the latest. Dan you will need to hook up with John and I, three Maverick in a row. Somewhere around Columbus Ohio might be the best.
I have been told that motels are not easy to get for this event. I am going to campout so to speak. Seems that is what some of the others are doing from what I have read on older posts on this subject. Dan
Sounds like we need to figure out a good spot to meet up, Columbus sounds good to me. I was planning on sleeping with Dennis!!!!!! He is a handsome older man!!!!!!
carlisle is a great trip, but you really feel naked there without an old ford to drive. hope i can convince my dad to bring his truck i cant just bring the mav, i buy too much stuff.. ive been there for the last 6 years without an old car to drive. it will be so much more fun to have my mav there, v8 or no v8.. all depends on how fast i pay back all the money i owe. be hard to drive the mav with broken knee caps
I think I will be sick and unable to attend. Or maybe I'll pick up a sheep along the way to distract you. Seriously, there are showers on the fairgrounds so I camp out in my trailer. Its a 22 ft so there will be plenty of room because the car is staying outside this year. (well covered up of course) As far as getting 25 cars, I doubt we will have 25 preregistered. I was thinging of spending the money for a tent myself just so I could park my car under it.
Carlisle is the last weekend in June or the first???? Either way I have every intention of making it......lets just say this, if the car is ready, we will be there. And Dennis, I was gonna go to Carlisle to get away from the sheep!!!!!!!!
First weekend in June. The hotels situation is not good. Most are booked up already and all have jacked up rates for the weekend. We had a similar problem booking rooms for the Lowe's 600 in Charlotte the weekend before. And there's a helluva lot more hotels in metro Charlotte! There is no central hotel for this event like the Roundup. I was lucky to find one 6 miles away for $85/night. Last year I paid more at the Comfort Suites in Downtown Carlisle. Yeah, camping is a LOT cheaper, but we're not "trailer queens" so we need someplace to stay.
i'll be going in the mav.should be done by then.if not i'll drag it on a trailer and pull it with the truck!!!(it'll be done by then) what is the exact date(s)admission,i'll be doing the camp thing cause i'm a poor boy! also is there a campground nearby,or is the camp ground beside your mav?
I will most likely be there with or without it. I still need to have a lot done and I am not even sure the car will make it that far unless I can get a trailer. I would most likely throw at tent in the trunk and hope for the best.