I have tried, on my 200 inline six ,the 1100 autolite carb, the carter rbs carb and i am real happy with the holley 1904 .The holley is a world of a difference. Better bottom end ,The whole engine sounds and runs completely different. Each carb has their own problems, most one barrels shake apart eventually on the inline six . Yes I love to build carbs,just my two cents.
I am trying to show the area on one bbl carbs where they shake apart.You have to keep this area tight,yearly.Just old school knowledage.
Yea. The bolts/screws do seem to come loose. I was gonna use a drop of blue locktite on this carb I have but my tube had leaked all out. Not on all the screws, just the hold down ones.
An old 80s jeep trick ,their inline sixs would shake the yf carbs apart .Thus causing a big vacume leak,so people would throw a tennis shoe under the hood between the top of the air filter housing, and hood .To stop the air leaks, and problem was solved temporarly .rl: Say Whaaaatt. This is a true story!