no.. that doesn't sound right for the issue you're describing here. Those issues may start showing at the rpm you mention.. but the motor will not "smooth out at higher rpm's" and only gets worse as the valves stand open when the lifters pump up too high from the misadjustment. And I'm not sure about the worn cam comment when it comes to a narrow rpm range related issue either. Those types of issue will usually manifest at lower/wider rpm ranges from all that I've seen. Although, I suppose anything's possible sometimes and it sure never hurts to check to establish proper baselines to work from. Which makes baddad's advice spot on.
mine's at about 2 o'clock position(from frontal engine viewpoint). not sure if that changes on any other years though
That guy had mentioned that as a possiblity for my problem when we were trying to figure out what all could be causing my problem, but he mainly thinks the balancer either slipped or was maybe dropped causing an imbalance since it's an old/worn part.
Sweet, that should give me an idea of where my outer ring is sitting at with the indicator at TDC compared to the key location.