I have been thinking about buying one. I see they have a 2 row and a 3 row. My motor is stock. Do i need a 3 row?
Granted I have awsome luck with my 2core rad for the maverick (3 years leak free)I had nothing but problems with the quality of the 4core rad i've gotton from champion for my 72 buick...I' went through 2 4cores ..both worked great for a few months then started leaking really bad...i'm not about to pay shipping for another unit just for the 3rd to do the same thing another few months down the line.. also..every champion rad ive seen at the car shows apprently leaked s theyve all been solderd at the core new the end tank.. so..maybe the maverick rads are the only champion radiators that are worth the money.. if you want a SURE THING call alumitech up and have a custom one made...will only cot ya 495 or so...you can get a 2 row rad with 1.25 tubing.. sometimes more money up front is better then getting milked and dimmed due to quality of a china made product if you still want to take a chance with champion as what the tube sizing is per core....this is the one of the most important things for a rad 3/8 tubing x 4 = 1.5 2 rows of 1.25 = 2.5 ps...if youre wanting an afermarket efan go SPAL other ways due the junkward route for taurus fan
My Champion radiator is welded - all the seams and connections - they are aluminum - can't be soldered. Paul
so is mine..just had soldered on the brain instead of welded the ones i seen at the shows obviously had work done to them from where they leaked like i said besides the maverick rad..i had nothing but trouble with the champion rads for my other car...2 went bad within less then a year.. bought something made in america for 3rd rad for thr buick
I have heard that if you mount the electric fan using those plastic zip ties that they supply you will wind up having issues because the plastic will chew through the aluminum and cause it to leak. Other than that I have heard nothing but good things about the radiators they make for the Maverick
I would recommend that nothing gets attached to a radiator with zip-ties. They will cause wear and they do not stop vibration. It is faily easy to run a couple of metal straps (available in different lengths at most hardware stores) either across the radiator or vertically to mount coolers and fans. I would never use a small tube to hang any weight from - regardless what the product manufacturer says in their instructions.