Cracker Barrel 8852 Old Lee Hwy Ooltewah, TN 37363-8658 Exit 11 (ooltewah) directions off exit 11 75n go right at redlight, then right at next light (@burger king) then make a immediate right on old lee hwy cracker barrel is 1/4 mile on the left 75s go left at light turn right at burger king then make another right onto old leee hwy cracker barrel is 1/4 mile on the left
I need a set of retractable lap belts for the back seat of my 72-2 door maverick if someone that is coming to chattanooga has a set .thanks
Tommorow is the day!! We got a 50% chance of morning showers i talked to the cruise director and they are going to have it either way!
I'll be there Russ, and I am picking up Chris in Ringgold along the way. We will meet you at the Cracker Barrell!