If we were concerned about safety none of us would be driving cars from the 70's in the first place I don't like the look at all, but every person has different tastes. I know a lot of people on here only run lap belts which to me is more dangerous than running a chain link steering wheel.
Just because we like driving old cars don't mean safety is not a concern. If that were the case most of us wud not do brake upgrades, suspension rebuilds/mod's, headlight, horn or other things considered to be in the realm of safety. Most here drive these cars as a hobby, not cuz they have to. No, these cars are not as safe as driving later cars w/ modern safety features but that does not mean we can't make them as safe as reasonably possible. Lastly, a large percentage of safety depends on the vechicle operator. An irresponsible person "is an irresponsible person" no matter the vechicle...
thanks yall. and yes im aware about the safety concern in most cars. and i put i this way.. we only live once, way not make it a good life without always worrying. not saying i dont wanna be safe, just i dont want to concentrate on it. people trusted theses cars in the 70s i think i can trust them now too
Agreed and the majority of us arent running these for an everyday car with our families on board down the HWY at rush hour. I have our new cars for that.
People in the 70's did'nt have many options! I agree - u can trust them w/ some/lot of restoration/upgrades , TLC and common sense operation.
You know the one thing thats sticks in my mind? MY doors with no crash bar. Seeing them apart after stripping....I always think "if I get T-boned I'm done for!" Just like a pop can between me and the oncoming.
With the chain wheel you got to have the HD primary chain belt and chain wallet. OH OH YEAH Never Mind!!!