Like Dan said, buy the boot first. I bought mine from NPD. I am sure Mustangs Unlimited has the same one. Jim
I'm going to Melvin's Classic Ford Parts tomorrow, since it is in the next town over, to buy the boot and equalizer bar repair kit. I hope to be pulling the C4 out soon.
x3 on being careful with the hole size. I made mine a touch too big based on the pattern on the firewall and had to put a retainer on the inside to keep it in place. I used a late 60's Mustang boot. Lots of stuff to still assemble so hopefully the photo helps ('scuse the dust).
I don't know if this will help but I took some pics of a parts car with the idea of prepping to do it to a 77. as you can see I do not make my living as a photographer the one coming up is from where the firewall joins the slant from the floor and the side is from the inside a pillar
Mission accomplished. I used an 1-1/2" hole saw after using a 90* drill under the hood for the pilot hole. I'm thinking the factory hole might be closer to 1-9/16". I decided to use the old boot because it looked like it was made with tougher/thicker rubber than the aftermarket boot. Thanks Hawkco for the use of the hole saw...and thanks to everyone who replied.
BigDan, I think you are probably in for a real challenge if doing this to a 77 ... the brake pedal is moved to the left of the column. You are probably going to have an easier time if you swap in earlier pedals. I couldn't believe what I was looking at when I was stripping parts out of a 77 ... ... "They did THAT!?! .... this close to the end of the run for these cars! ..."
yea I have some what of a idea on that and that is why I have not done it big hold back is the power brakes I would like to keep them but they do not allow the set of 71 pedals I have and do not want to pay $500 for a aftermarket m/c but I may be getting forced to find a solution as on the test drives around the neighborhood I do not feel the c 4 shifting correctly