Fantastic car you have there, Frank. Looks like you have it all, performance, comfort, and handling! I can't wait to see it in person at Silver Springs. Jim
As much as you drive your car make sure the color will be easier to touch up. Do you want to stay with green or ? Should the brake hose being routed through the upper A-Arm?
i like useing hammerite dark gray on my suspension. you can find it at home depot. its duriable, its glossy so it wipes clean really easy. its "hammered" finish hides blemishes, and its easy to touch up.
Frank; for a color, how about 1970 Z code green? You'll love it. Also, the stock green color really isn't bad. Any more thoughts about the gray? Later,
as far as color for the suspension....I am partial to PINK but a dark metallic purple would look sweet!
What does it feel like to be Frank doesnt do it unless its high tech. Looks real good............