Yes Dave it was a very good day. Good to see you, special thanks to Craig for bring me the parts I ordered and good conversation with Chris. Thinking we will try the Smokey Bones for supper tonite.
Sort of regretting that I did not go now but I was not really in the market for anything except some doors for 73 and up two door maverick with the textured finish. I did not want to do any impulse buying either. So I decided to stay home. It is good to see you guys had a good time. Was there any Maverick parts there? Allen Small.
Glad everyone had a good time. The Wife settled down so I put up the Christmas tree. Maybe I will catch Y'all at the next one. Safe travels my Canadian friends.
We had a good time! Great talking with all of you some of my old buddies and made some new ones which is awesome. It was one of the best Swaps I have been to. I bought parts sold parts talked about Mavericks and Comets parts. Gave my number got some numbers for parts it was a good weekend