Just out of curiousity, what is the actual purpose of the metal band which is riveted inside the Maverick filler necks?
That sounds about right. I find you just have to twist it and move it around a little until you find the "sweet spot" where it doesn't splash back. Some gas stations I go to, I can fill full blast no problem. Others it's almost impossible even going as slow as possible. I have a '77 filler neck, just haven't got around to installing it yet to see if it fixes the problem. My '69.5 was the same way. Those cars have the rubber hose that couples the filler neck to the tank. It seems to be more of a straight shot into the gas tank then with the later cars. My dad's '71 Torino was the same way with the filler behind the plate. It was a major PITA to put gas in that car, and that 351C liked the gas! So you had to do it often..
Dan, I don't want to be a smarta$$, but my 84 F150 has the small hole and trap door for the nozzle, and it does just like the Maverick. It can actually get like a blockage and the gas will not run down into the tank at all, then you have to pump it slowly just to get any in it. I have also heard that the Reid vapor point of summer gas and winter gas is different, and if you stop at a station that has gas formulated for hot weather, it doesn't pump good in cold weather, and vice versa. This mostly happens at the smaller, off brand stores, who buy out of season gas at a discount because it is out of season. One thing that I learned about my pickup, is that if I park it with the filler neck up hill to the tank, sometimes it seems to help. I have heard people say the same thing about cars like our Mavericks, park it with the rear higher than the front, then put gas in. Can't always find a station on a hill though!
Bobby, you are right, my 05 Superduty likes to back up on me when I fill it, but only sometimes, I dont know why. Yes,, I concur with you also on putting our cars on hill, seems to be better to fill the tank.
ive had the same problem. find a later model 75-77 car and rob the filler neck out of it. it has the later design with the little 'flapper' in it and it helps to prevent the splash-back, as Dan previously stated
I think it's worth a try - it worked well for me. Isn't this is a common thing on 80-96 F series? I've had the same problem on some of my trucks (all 80-96 F series).
True, but Rando was questioning if that was a problem on that vintage of F150. I was relaying my experiences. Further I did have the fueling problem on my '76 F100 but I had altered the filler neck from stock when I replaced the step side fenders with fiberglass reproductions.
Yes, I was - b/c I've heard that before and I have also had the problem. Most of the time it only occurs when the truck is parked downhill (filler tube side). The flareside has a different filler tube though - right? Sorry for taking this off subject - this is really about MAVERICK filler tubes.
I don't know if it's common or not, just that my 84 stepside does it.....the 82 stepside doesn't.......and the filler neck and hose look the same.....
Hey guys I'm havin a problem like this now. but i have a 75 with the flapperr in the neck and the gas comes back up the tube after just a few dollars. so could i have a collasped hose somewhere?. Coulld i leave the cap on the back. maybe take 6 inches off the filler and attach a rubber/capped neck contraption so i could just fill it from inside the trunk. since I'm always poppin the trunk to get out the gas catching rags anyway? Or is it something much simpler? Thx fellas!