Confirmed, after it dried and looked at it under a magnifying glass it some sort of fake suede, alcantara type material. Hard to tell because of its age but I'm 100% positive its a fake suede material.
I managed to track down a NOS clock and a NOS harness but could not track down the second half of the clock harness that attaches to the main dash harness. I found a company that makes harnesses. I drew up a diagram based upon the Consolette instructions. They made up a harness with all the molded ends to look like original. They did not charge much and I'm sure they can make you up one too. I have not installed it yet. I will dig it out of the attic and post a photo. You need three wires: ground, hot from the cigarette lighter and interior lights. Micah
I tried to get them to do it. It took me months of arguing on how to do it. I got nowhere. I went elsewhere and had it made before I ever got a response from them. I would not deal with them, ever. This is what I had made. I have no idea if this is correct. It was just a guess. I purely went off what the consolette instructions appeared to indicate. The taped section is 24”. The blue/red wire end should have been a 90* like the blue/white. They missed this, but I’m sure it will still work. The company is Bauer Electric. You want to speak with Chris Olsen. They are in Bend, OR. Tell Chris you got his name from me. Great guy. He was able to modify a NOS engine harness into a Grabber harness with integrated relays for the headlights and driving lights. We even set it up for the Hi/Low horn option. It looks like it came from the factory. He also did a custom tail light harness for me. I have a couple of other items he will be doing for me. Chris Olsen: (541) 410-8929, Micah
I'll second that ... I had a 71 Torino in 1978 and clock was way slow. Replaced it with one of those new-fangled aftermarket digital clocks. ... "wow,man, you have an LED clock in this car!?! ..."
I remember when something as widely available as LED is now, was considered awesome super hi-tech back in the 70's
I made a mold and plastic cast a few block off plates a couple of years back. Just the visible front piece. Not the attaching arms. Got it to work then forgot all about it. I saw it all when I moved. I should have a look for it. I prefer the block off plate too. I have a working NOS clock, a decent consolette and block off plate. Clock looks better out of the console on a shelf. LOL.