A little explanation is in order here Gene. All those pics are events that we did in the last 2 yrs at the MCG National Gathering. Clockwise from the upper left is teh Cumberland falls, The Cookie House(I mean our hotel), Don going through the paces at the autocross last yr, The orchard (sorry the name escapes me), old mining town we visited on the South Fork RR, The Doolin House where we ate 3 of our meals in those 2 yrs, The South Fork RR train we rode, The Mill Creek Battlefield, and the water park we did this year, and in the center the greatest car club in existence, IMO. You did a truely awesome job and thank you!
Let me tell you, Beetle, on the painting. It's !!! There were a few people who wanted to know how they could get one. And Ruth was really surprised. Way to go!
That what I was thinking too. Maybe some high resolution prints. I'll check in to having some made soon. Thanks Tootie and everyone so much!