The cars are a sedan, 4dr and 2dr. Example of listing I see on ebay.. 1955 chevy 2dr hardtop post. That is an oxymoron if I ever saw one. A hardtop is a car that has no door glass frame, when you roll all windows down you see no framing. A sedan has window framing and a post running up to the roof. Coupes are usually cars with no side glass for the back seat, like my 79 Z-28. Fastbacks can be anything that is indeed fastback, my 70 Spoiler is a hardtop and is a fastback. My mavericks are a sedan and a fastback. Now I throw a wrench in it all by stating that early stangs are noted as fastbacks and coupes, which makes no sense but everyone seems to know what someone is advertising when they see them advertised that way. This is the way I look at it, could be wrong,, been wrong before,, be wrong again. Dan
This can get very confusing. :confused: If it didn't have a post it was still a hard-top, I mean it's not like it was a soft-top.
From the Webster dictionary: sedan: Noun a 2- or 4-door automobile seating 4 or more persons and usually having a permanent top coupe: Noun a 2-door automobile often seating only two persons; also : one with a tight-spaced rear seat Fastback: Noun an automobile with a roof having a long curving downward slope to the rear; also : the back of such an automobile Seems to me like they are all of the above?
yeah, i forgot to mention that most 2 seater cars are also coupes.. really, in my opinion, they are the real coupes. Dan
The door-glass frame and the post are what make it a sedan. The number of doors has nothing to do with it...
I'll never know what I have!!! All couped up in my living room, thinking how SF could use a good fast back. But I need to take off and drive the convertible to work. Convertible coupe? Sedan convertible? The boat with wheels? Maybe I'll work on a sedan 2dr coupe hardtop fastback muscle classic when I get there. I think we should start calling them "The cars that can't be defined". Or, "The cars that are a little of everything".
Pipe down Barry , Pennsylvania doesn't count. Anyways after reading all this you guys have me so confused:confused: I didn't even vote. I have always know it as Ford_Motorheads said. I never call the Mavs a fast back though. When I set in mine I can see out the back window real good, not a problem. And no, not on pillows for those that know me! Now when I set in my 70 Mach, that seems like a small slit to look through. You may as well not even have a rear view mirror. Its not that you are setting down in it further. Its that the back is higher as in slanted out more. Remember the 69 & 70 mustangs had notch backs as well. They were know as coupes. The fastbacks were know as that, but were listed on the title as 2-door coupes. Now here is something confusing. On my title for the 70 Mach it says 2-door sunroof. Yes sunroof! We know it doesn't have that. None did. And where it says model. It says 05 Mustang. So that I think goes to SHOw that mistakes are made on titles and doesn't mean squat. The serial # is what counts. The 75 Mav just says 2D. I think I confused myself even futher
well the nada site linked above considers it a sports car. not a muscle car, not a passenger car,but a sports car. Think i like that
Body Styles Well I have 28 years with Ford in an assembly plant. We always called a 2 door car a coupe, a 4 door car a sedan. Begining in 1980, it was a 2 or 4 door hatchback. Then there was a 2 door coupe or 4 door sedan (trunk) not hatchback. Begining in 2000 there is a 3 door:ZX3, a 4 door ZX4 a 5 door ZX5 and a ZXW= 4door wagon. Hatchback or trunk is not mentioned now. There is no more ZX2 whitch was an Escort. I owne a 1977 Lincoln town Coupe. It is a 2 door car. THe 4 door was called a Town Car. I think before 1980 a 2 door car was called a coupe. A 4 door car is called a sedan.