It's amazing how anyone can still be confused after having the definitions explained to them, and how some of you are still calling it a "coupe" when ALL Mavericks & Comets are SEDANS. The 1940 Ford came in a 2-door coupe and a 2-door sedan. The number of doors has nothing to do with it...
You're absolutely wrong. Not only was the 1940 Ford offered in both a 2-door Coupe and a 2-door sedan, a friend of mine has a '47 Oldsmobile 2-door sedan and a '57 Oldsmobile Golden Rocket 88 2-door sedan (has posts and door-glass frames). His son has a '55 Rocket 88 2-door "hardtop" (no posts)...
lol What a novel idea. In 1902 Ford offered nothing with 2 doors or 4 doors and Henry was having this conversation with himself. But did Thomas Edison record the conversation?
They don't and they didn't. But then again they don't make alot or even anything in their book, but they do and can define things in it.
I think it's a sports roof since ford didn't make a fastback after 68 Calm down.............Ford changed the name from fastback to sports roof in 69.
How about we call them "economy roof" since the Mavs & comets were made as economy cars after the muscle car era and don't have quite the slope of the fastbacks.
I consider the Pinto Ford's "ecconomy car" of the '70s. Came out the same time as the Maverick. 4-cylinder Vs. the Maverick's 6 (and later 302). Damm I hate Pintos...
I agree with Thomas Hackmann, but they were still technically fastbacks. Hey what's wrong with Pinto's?