I wonder why they cant just make 2" headers for the 351W. they already have the pipe, and the jig... Infact i would rather have 2" headers over the 1 7/8" BTW cometgt74...those headers are sexy. VERY nice job. How long did it take you to make them???
About 40 hrs in that one header.....i'm not a very efficient header builder and i'm somewhat of a perfectionist when it comes to that kind of stuff. My brother says i'm "anal".
Anyone hear of mad dog headers.. I see them on ebay, but can't find a website for them. I wonder if they would be interested in making 351w large tube headers.
I talked to the guy that makes mad dog headers and he has a set that will fit a 302/351 that has 1 3/4 " tubes..
That is not saying much. He understands that any 302 header will fit a 351w, and vise versa. Also that most any Ford chassis 302 header will fit the 351w in the same chassis. However, to say that he has a header that will fit both engines IN A MAVERICK, is a HUGE statement. Add to that the 1.75" tubes... He better know what he is talking about, and you better clarify all of the above before spending your hard earned dough. All of this is why the Crites headers were so ground breaking for our community... A header to bolt right on a Maverick 302 seems to be a trick in itself. Then to work on a 351w also, and have tubes bigger than 1.5"... Crites is the only one to ever do that without major mods. Just a heads up. Alot of supposed 'professional' header companies don't seem to get these points. The Maverick doesn't have a big enough engine bay to be 'one size fits many' as other car models.
crites headers I also would be interested in those damned elusive headers. I finally got the bucks to order a 408 stoker for my 72 gt and low and behold I can't get headers. I know I could probably modify to get my 302 headers to work but, damn 1.5" just won't cut it. I think I am going to risk the hookers for the 65 351w swap. I will let you know if I get it done.
Did you have them custom built. Or what application are they for? Did you have to modify anything. I am willing to do what it takes.
A 351c in our cars can use very large tubes. The exhaust ports exit at a downward angle, rather than directly at the towers, making much more room for tubes. It's still very tight, no doubt, but the tubes can be large. So, it may be cheaper to build a 351c and use 2" tubes, than find a set of Crites headers! Sarcasm...
just for the sake of curiosity i took the 302 maverick headers i have (and fit like a glove)and tried to bolt them up into my 72 with a 351W and it wasnt even close when the primary comes off the 351w head it needs to make a really sharp downwerd turn to fit between the head and shock tower, 302 headers just dont do that, essientally because they dont have to to get the 302 header any where close to the motor youd have to raise the 351w about 5inches in the engine bay heres a 351 and heres my 302 maverick with the headers i tried to use on the 351
Just called Crites and asked about headers...Got the same story everyone else got about how (any) small block headers aren`t a good seller for them so they no longer make them. They DID say to check back in APRIL `09 and they MAY start back making them sometime next year.
I've been emailing them too. I got the same thing. call back in the spring. Well, I guess hooker will just sell one more set of headers. I want my car running for april. Not waiting for parts.