Hey, maybe the monitor IS the problem. When you use a 52 inch screen for your monitor, it makes an 8X10 photo LOOK like a postage stamp!
Taurus lights? Gene, are these Taurus lights? Yuck! I have had 3 of them now, don't want to confuse myself mixing Tauri and Mav/Comet parts. I'd rather use taillights from a Pinto!
THat is a Torino GT light assembly. ITs way wider than out tail light panel. I scoped that one out before. Plus the curve down on the ends are way more radical than the tail light panel. It wouldn't look right in my opinion.
Problem with that idea is it would be too low. As far as back up lights, I dont want them and have no plans to add any.
HEY! There is nothing wrong with the Taurus! Except the transmissions and the motor/trans mounts. Ok the AC system and the steering system and axles. A few oil and coolant leaks that can't be fixed... But otherwise, a good pos! I would NEVER use anything from a Pinho.
I know this thread is from '07, but I have to ask... Was the project ever finished? It's an interesting design that I would love to see pics of if it was! -Scott H.
I would too, I would also like to know if it ended up being legal with the way DOT is so strict with everything
The bezel & lens are made. I also have a tail light panel that is finished and the light is bolted to it. I still need to get the light itself made. That will be an expensive part. Then just need to decide what car to put it in. I plan on selling all my mavericks this spring, except for my Sprint and Comet GT. Since my 67 Impala idea in no longer unique, I am seriously considering putting it on the Sprint. As far as being DOT compliant, I really dont care. The car is historically tagged and requires no inspections.