I highly doubt these heads will work with those pistons. What sized domes does that piston have? Pic or part number?
They're Keith Black .200 solid dome. Part # UEM-KB116-040 (KB116). This is what I was afraid about most. I think I might have PTV clearance issues and I just knocked these domed KB's in wrapped with Total Seal rings about a month ago. However, at that time, I was planning on 1.90/1.60 valved heads. Also, with a flat tappet non-roller 302 motor, do I need the 6.8" pushrods? My machine shop parts dude made sure to specify Chevy valves when he ordered them. I remember him saying "Chevy valves" to the warehouse guy over the phone and I kinda wondered why, but, didn't ask. The valve springs, we just matched to my cam out of the Comp catalog. It just seems like ~ 3/16" is a lot to take up, even with spring cups. Eric
It sounds like you have the wrong springs for the valves. or the wrong valves for the springs. Spring are usually cheaper to replace if we must choose. What installed height are you shooting for here? 1.7? EDIT; this link shows a recommendation for 7.3 inch PR length with flat tappets.. or 6.750 with rollers. http://static.trickflow.com/global/images/instructions/dp-5%20instr%20sht%20rev07.pdf also.. no way you'll get those pistons to work without trenching the TF's layed back valve angle into that dome. That will lead to slight increases in valve shrouding at low lifts and may even cause mixture motion issues in the worst case. Plus.. SCR/DCR will probably go sky high to eliminate the use of pump gas. If you want to stay with these heads?.. you'll be swapping pistons out for flat tops designed for them. Or milling the bejesus out of those slugs. The nice thing is that they are solid domes and you have room for improvement without ruining them. I once watched a world record holding power boat race engine builder hand form piston domes into a 540ci BBF to achieve over 17/1 SCR and I'll never forget thinking that it resembled and artist working with clay.
Thanks groberts101. That link was very useful. I see I need to change a few things about my set-up. Damn. Should've thought this through a bit more. Didn't know the TF heads had such a dramatic valve geometry. I mean, I knew they had offset valves, but, no to the extent where special pistons were required. Oh, well... back to the drawing-board, I suppose. Eric