Dashpad will be sent tomarrow,,, along with a few other parts,,, we are having aluminum Maverick/Comet hood mouldings and chromed done over sea's,,, By the way,,, Found out that new Grills can also be done by this company,,, Yes the Comet grill and Maverick,,, we are planning on that after we get this batch going,,, I am trying to find a Maverick grill center piece the round steer head unit,,, they want to look at that and see if it can be done,,, so if any one has one they can part with,, it doesnt have to be perfect,, and it is going over sea's,, it might not get back,, but if they make that part,,, I will give you in trade a new produced one,,, Not 100% they can do it,, its a chance ,,,, But I told them the material wasnt inportant we just needed that emblem,, Joe