Inside the dash cluster are little blue plastic 'cups' that diffuse the light from the bulbs, giving them a green glow. Over the years, the little cups get hazy from heat and age and don't pass as much light. Remove and polish them, if they are not in to bad shape to begin with. If they are real bad, just take em out! I did, and lightly painted the bulbs with blue engine paint...worked awesome!
Hi guys, I just wanted to comment on Mavrick Newb's idea about LED's. They are a great light source that use much less amps and tend to be brighter, but as for a "dimmer" switch, you're out of luck. LED's don't "burn" like standard bulbs, they use a specific voltage/amps combo to either turn on, or not. If "dimmed", they would just turn off completely. Nice color options though.
A cheap cure would be to use super bright LEDs, they are about 50 cents each, they come in different voltage ratings so if you got 6VDC LEDs wire 2 of them into the socket in a +-+- configuration to handle your charging system, you'll know if ya got them backwards, they simply won't light.
My Mercury Already Came New with Dimmer... Could you Post Pics of your Car`s Dash with Leds, Please? Thanx!
i put 5v bulbs in mine and took the dash apart and painted the blue backgrond white it made all the difference in the world love it................