The original torquer with the twisted carb is a great race intake. I made 496 hp with a set of 289 heads and that intake .with the cam I had it would go forever, 8k is where I shifted 7400 thru the eyes. I would use a rpm with a 600 holley. no d/p. small carb gives you port velocity.
heres a dual plane heres a single plane
I think we have several swaps happening, and I for one fly pretty blind if you guys get a chance read my last few posts on the Marquis motor swap thread I have several questions there.
Ditto Man Ditto, got 2 5.0's sittiin on my garage floor ( only until I get the hoist) Tryign to decide what to do and to which motor,
Did we cover the torker vs torker II issue? Torker289 is no longer made (the one we are talking about here, with the 10 degree twist on the carb). The torker II was Edelbrock's next version, it was lower, had more arch to the runners, and was made to generally give you better hood clearance, from what I have gathered. The torker289 is a popular intake still today, and they are getting more and more rare. The torker 289 is quite tall. This makes the runners almost straight. You can look in from the top and "almost" see straight into the intake ports on the heads. On Bowstick's ported torker289, I think you actually CAN see into the heads. I always intended to run the non-ported one I have now, and get some track numbers, then install the ported one and compare them, but Bowstick was looking for one and I had two so I sold him the one I had been using before I cratered my old engine. The torker289 will make the carb sit a bit higher, so you may need to experiment with some different air cleaners so your hood doesn't hit...
well i do have a giant hole already cut under my scoop so hope fully that will make life easier thanks for the info though
Very stupid and basic question guys what size bolts do I need to mount the motor to my stand? Do they thread into the block ?