A carb spacer is a good thing, it keeps the carb cooler so their is less chance of boiling the fuel in the fuel bowls. You need to find out what jets you have in your carburetor first thing and go from there, if you have the stock jets then you dont need to do what scooper77515 said your carburetor is already there. Your car feels slower because your car is running excessively rich. It will feel better when you get it properly tuned. With a vacuum secondary carburetor like you have you will primarily drive around using 2V just like the carburetor you took off. The other two bbl(the secondarys) do not kick in untill you need them, and then you will feel the difference.
If it was a Holley you would need to run jets that are 3 sizes smaller it your altitude. Call edelbrock and see what they have / use to set the carb at your altitude. That is the only real problem that you have. Buy a vacuum gauge and timing light so you can tune after fixing the carb.
Thanks Ok: The rods are 75-47 (.075" x .047" ) Main jets says 398 ( I think it is .098") Secundary jets 404 ( ¿ .104" ? ). I adjusted the float level, it was to high. Maybe it was the problem. If the problem keeps I gonna use your suggestion markso125. I was afraid of disassembly the carb but it was really easy.
Two things: your altitude more than likely is the problem. Need to rejet the carb. In going with this, don't just "tear into" the carb blindly. Learn how to do this first, or get someone who's familiar with an Eddy carb to show you before taking it apart. Second thing: buy a timing light and learn to use it. It's a far simpler thing to use than rebuidling or rejetting a carb.
Do you mean the fall of the floats, doesn't it? No I didn´t. Feels better after the floats adjustment. Anyway I'm gonna buy the jets and roads that markso125 suggested me. Of course..
As for the air filter not fitting under the hood I bought a low profile air cleaner, it drops the air filter down a couple inches from the regular height. But there is a catch if you buy a low profile air cleaner though, it wont fit on with the electric choke, you have to buy a air filter spacer to use it http://www.summitracing.com/parts/EDL-8092/