I saw this thread was active and thought Jamie had finally done the swap. I hope Jamie answers 69.5ma's question soon.
I really want to know how this will work with the fox body mounts cause the 302 in my Mav is really tired and might need a rebuild, meanwhile I could make this swap.
I think this thread is making all of us change our minds about engine plans. If I ever got a 2 door, it would be so i could do this swap.
Sorry I haven't updated in a while guys. My deadline do get this done has come and gone, the project continues to be at a stand still because I can't locate the front sump oil pan or pickup I need at any sort of reasonable price. I still need the alternator bracket also. I did spend 3 weekends recently putting a new engine, trans and interior in my little beater '92 Sentra. That's done and it's happily puttering along taking me back and forth to work every day, getting 35+ mpg. My brother's been driving the '72 daily since July, so the the only Mavericking I've done lately is just driving it around on the weekends. I do have a 4 day weekend coming up at Thanksgiving, which we have been talking about going to Indianapolis to visit my grandma and other family up there, though that plan is up in the air right now because my dad got laid off last Wednesday.. If we don't go, that will be 4 days of working on this swap. I also have 5 days off at Christmas.
Cool. Every little bit helps. That's how my brake job conversion went. Weekends and half hour bouts here and there on weekdays.
the pinto and mustang 2 used the front sump pan. you probley already know this but i hasnt been said yet in this thread that i can rember. i thew a pinto 2.3 away 5 years ago. there are alot of old pinto stock car racers around my work, ill ask them if they have any pans and pick ups around.
2.3 Engine in a mavrick Jamie Great project! You have more nerve than a tight rope walker to take on a project like that. The Lincoln Cont. 1984-87 had the fuel pump mounted inside the frame rail forward of the right rear wheel and the fuel filter mounted with it. It would have the correct PSI for the 2.3. Good luck on your project. TEXASjack
I have to work Monday and Tuesday next week, then have the 24th through the 28th off. Then go back the week after, work Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, and have the 1st through the 4th of January off. Plan to mess with this project a bit, but I've recently had an unprecedented urge to mess with a certain car that I haven't touched in quite a while. I've got a sawzall, real jack stands, and a welder. Something is bound to happen. It'll either be something good, or I'll finally put that car and one of my 4 doors out of their misery once and for all trying. Tomorrow I plan to cruise the '72 over to Augusta, GA to check out a couple of Pinto's at the Pull-A-Part there. One of them I know had the parts I needed a couple of months ago. But that was a couple of months ago. At the time, gas was 4 bucks a gallon and I was working way too many hours. We'll see what's still there.