Jamie, I did this swap a couple years ago. Drop me a PM if I can be of any help. As for the front sump pan, pinto / mustang II is what you need. There is a guy that sells 2.3 pans on eBay and has windage trays and gated baffles for your application. I have had great luck with his stuff and his service. Search ford 2.3 oil pan and look for JBford1sports. Also, have you tried to install the starter motor yet? Don't get to far before you get that figured out, I had to go to a clockable aftermarket unit to clear the tie rod. For a fuel pump I used a Walbro. I built a small sump on the back of the tank. The does not need a feed pump if you stay close, I mounted mine on the frame rail and use about 14" of flex line. I use the factory line as a return. Again, drop me a PM if there's anything I can do. Good Luck.
It was great to meet you too. Once you get that '74 on the road, I hope you'll bring it down to one of our Dixie Maverick meets here in GA and meet the rest of the GA guys. We've got a great group. On the starter... whats the problem? I have it on there, and have the engine running, but the original '93 Mustang cast aluminum rear sump pan is still on it, I just took the center link loose to get the engine to drop all the way down. Does the starter hang lower then the front sump pan or something? I'm currently running the regular "old" style starter off an '80 Mustang. I do have the high torque starter off the '93 Mustang. No update as of now. Haven't got the oil pan yet. Unless it comes in tomorrow, then I guess I won't get much done with this project over the long weekend.
Will do may be a day or two though this thing needs alot of love I hope your pan shows up I cant wait to see how it does!
They recently opened a new Pull-A-Part here in Lithonia, GA, so we now have three Pull-A-Parts in GA! I decided to go check it out today. They had two '93 4 cylinder Mustangs. One was a 5 speed, and the computer was still there! So I now have the C1A1 manual transmission computer, which I think will be best to use with the C4 trans. Someone had done grabbed the T5, unfortunately, or I would have snatched that too. The bellhousing was still attached to the engine though, so I may go back and get that. The other had the speedometer cable and throttle cable I think I need, still need to test fit them and be sure they will work, but the look extremely promising. I should have the car drivable next weekend. More to come.
Yes, posted a wanted ad on a Pinto forum and bought them off a guy there.. Paid too much for them IMO, but if you gotta have it, you gotta have it... For now I have decided to just use the '93 Mustang motor mounts. I'll play with the Brazilian mounts more later, but for now with the deadline I have to meet, the Mustang mounts will just be the easiest. I also test fit the throttle cable and speedometer cable today. Both of those are going to work out fine, though the speedometer cable is a little bit too long. The throttle cable fits like it was made for it! I'm off to go get the new computer plugged up and test it to be sure it works ok. Bought a 30 day warranty on it at the junkyard in case it doesn't work. Haven't ran the engine since the day I made that YouTube video back in July. I'm also going to get the radiator hoses figured out today, and see if my hunches are right that an '88 Ranger serpentine belt will fit.
Having some issues with the C4 bell housing. There are no holes in the block where the top two holes of the bell housing fall. I checked my '80 block, and it does have these holes, but the '93 block doesn't. I'm going to attempt to drill and tap the holes next weekend. Also, all the bolts are a different size and thread, so I have to get some more bolts to bolt the bell housing to the block. I did figure out my serpentine belt and pulley setup. Running the stock '93 Mustang crank pulley, water pump pulley off a 86 Crown Vic 5.0 with a 3/8 spacer behind it to space it out off the water pump to line up with the Mustang pulley, and the Chevy 1 wire alternator with a '93 3.8 Taurus serpentine pulley on it. I'll have to make a spacer for alternator too, to line it up with the other pulleys. This combo will will under drive the water pump and alternator slightly. Then I'll be running a serpentine belt for an '88 Ranger with a 2.0L and no A/C or P/S. The radiator hoses will just be modified (cut up and shortened) '80 Mustang hoses, at this point I'm just using cast iron water pipe and elbows from Home Depot to get it mocked up, and I'll probably run it that way for at least a little while. Would be nice to get some tubing bent up eventually.
The bolts are 3/8-16 into the bellhousing. You should be able to drill and tap the block no problem the small journal motors must only have one pattern (89 and older have the dual top bolt patterns)
i used the factory starter on my 2.3 turbo maverick it worked fine and i used a pinto oil pan , i am getting 30 mpg out of mine and i took it to the track and ran 8.76 @ 86 , i am going to spray it next time a 75 shot so it will build boost in first and second